
Thursday 17 October 2024

Harvard students demonstrate how Meta smart glasses can be used to instantly identify people and access their personal information

 Students from Harvard University have found that Meta's new smart glasses can be used to identify an individual and obtain access to their personal information.

Facebook, in partnership with luxury sunglasses maker Ray-Ban, created Ray-Ban Stories. These smart glasses are loaded with a dual integrated five-megapixel camera, a three microphone array and discreet open-ear speakers. Wearers can secretly snap photos and video on the go and have control over some apps hands-free.  

At the touch of a button on the side of the Meta Ray Ban 2, wearers can film up to three minutes of live video, which can even be streamed to Instagram.

Recently, two Harvard students developed a program for Ray-Ban Stories that can be used to immediately identify individuals and obtain access to their personal information, including home addresses.

Engineering students AnhPhu Nguyen and Caine Ardayfio posted a chilling demonstration of what their program, dubbed I-Xray, can do.

"Some dude could just find some girl's home address on the train and just follow them home," Nguyen said. "Are we ready for a world where our data is exposed at a glance?"

"The purpose of building this tool is not for misuse, and we are not releasing it," said Nguyen and Ardayfio in a document outlining the technology. "Our goal is to demonstrate the current capabilities of smart glasses, face search engines, large language models and public databases. [We're] raising awareness that extracting someone's home address and other personal details from just their face on the street is possible today."

Security expert: Glasses enabled to film the public is a dangerous development

The I-Xray program works by beginning live-streaming on the smart glasses. The live-streamed footage is then uploaded to a program called PimEyes, a facial recognition tool that uses artificial intelligence to match a recorded face to any publicly available images on the internet.

I-Xray then prompts another AI tool that scours public databases to retrieve personal details about the individual in the image, including their name, address, phone number and even information about relatives.

"It's all fed back to an app we wrote on our phone," said Nguyen in the video posted to X.

I-Xray is unique because it operates entirely automatically, quickly allowing the wearer to find information about people they come across.

Jake Moore, security advisor at software company ESET, said: "Glasses enabled to film the public is a 'worryingly dangerous development.'"

"We are seeing technology advancing into areas that are simply not required," Moore said. "Furthermore, when they are adapted to recognize individuals it becomes a scary tool that could easily be abused."

Meanwhile, a Meta spokesperson said: "To be clear, Ray-Ban Meta glasses do not have facial recognition technology."

U.S. Postal Service refusing to disclose who paid for nine trucks that transferred up to 1.5 million counterfeit election ballots in 2020

 A federal court is about to force the United States Postal Service (USPS) to fess up about who was behind those infamous nine trucks in Pennsylvania that transferred upwards of 1.5 million counterfeit ballots during the 2020 election, effectively throwing the state for Joe Biden.

Rasmussen Reports shared the following video update from Patrick Byrne who shared a quick walk-through of USPS corruption in the 2020 election, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case surrounding it, and the emergency injunction that was just filed this week against the USPS:


USPS election crimes?

On Friday of last week, a complaint was filed before the U.S. District Court in Maryland bearing evidence that the USPS acted illegally by shipping at least one million mail-in ballots from a facility in Bethpage, N.Y., to Pennsylvania on Oct. 21, 2020. Brian Della Rocca filed the suit and John Moynihan and Larry Doyle provided the critical evidence for it.

Owen Gregorian (@OwenGregorian on X / Twitter), a close friend of Moynihan and Doyle, tweeted that he has known Moynihan since 1998 when they were partners at BERG Associates, LLC, praising him for being one of the world's best financial and forensic investigators "hands down."

"Here is the bottom-line – the truck driver, Jesse Morgan, picked up a container filled with 20 Gaylord boxes," Gregorian explains. "There were mail-in ballots in each of the Gaylords. A Gaylord can hold from 50,000 up to 100,000 ballots. Do the math – Mr. Morgan was transporting at least one million mail-in ballots (already filled in with signatures on the envelopes). So, what you say?"

"The mail-in ballots are First Class mail. Every piece of First Class mail is supposed to be imaged per USPS regulations. The facility where Morgan picked up the load of ballots is ONLY certified for handling packages and Express Mail. There is no legal justification to account for those ballots to have passed through that warehouse."

All of this has been known by Gregorian and the others since the time it happened. We, too, reported on the mysterious truck delivery from New York to Pennsylvania that the USPS facilitated under the cover of darkness. And, finally, we are now seeing some action on a case aiming to hold the USPS accountable for potential election tampering.

Rasmussen further reported that there were actually nine trucks involved in the heist. The USPS as of now is refusing to disclose who paid for these trucks to make the counterfeit ballot deliveries that ultimately threw the election for Biden and Kamala, the latter of whom is about to be handed another phony "win" this November.

Former attorney general William Barr reportedly told investigators to "stand down on this" in December of 2020, urging them in an "irate" manner not to look any further into allegations of election fraud. This makes Barr an obvious co-conspirator in the election heist.

"The election was rigged 100%," tweeted Shaun Humphrey (@ShaunHumphrey65) on X / Twitter. "No modern-day president has ever lost re-election when winning Florida, Ohio, and Iowa. If you rig an election, it should be treason."

15-Year-Old Illegal Terrorizing New York, ‘Little Devil’ Was Recruited by Transnational Gang ‘Tren de Aragua’ – Arrested 11 Times but Free To Go back To Taxpayer-Funded Apartment


With the suicidal policies from the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration from hell, every community in the US is now a ‘border town’ at the mercy of unvetted illegal migrants living on the taxpayer’s dime.

New York City is no exception, and the situation has been taken to a breaking point of crime, lawlessness with no consequences.

It arises now that a 15-year-old Venezuelan migrant has been arrested 11 times in the last few months for robberies – and released every single time.

The youth is believed to be part of a violent crew of underage gang members, and was arrested yet again this week for a knifepoint robbery.

New York Post reported:

“The troublesome teen — identified by sources as a member of ‘Los Diablos de la 42’, a pint-size offshoot of the vicious Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua — was cuffed Tuesday, just as The Post was revealing the baby-faced bandit’s shocking exploits.”


Known as ‘Little Devil’, the youth is accused of pulling a knife on a 34-year-old man at Ninth Avenue and West 35th Street around on Sept. 30.

The teen and an accomplice threw the victim into a pole, pulled a kitchen knife and demanded that the victim turn over his phone. The man was able to escape unharmed.

Video from the robbery allowed police to identify him, and he was reportedly detained at Columbus Avenue.

“The ‘Little Devil’ was waiting to be arraigned on the new charge — but sources said he was likely to be freed again because of his age and the state’s lenient stance on juvenile criminals.

‘This has to be a wake-up call to the stakeholders’, one law enforcement source said Wednesday. ‘To the state legislature who has to decide how we’re going to deal with this problem. This kid’s gonna go home today and probably rob somebody else’, the source said. ‘We can arrest him but we can’t hold him’.”


The young criminal, whose name is being withheld because of his age, illegally entered the US with his family in May 2023 — and he has immigration hearing scheduled for next month, according to law enforcement sources.

A group of around 20 teen migrants calling themselves “Diablos de la 42” are allegedly terrorizing Times Square and other parts of NYC.

“Since May this year, he has made his presence known in the Big Apple, with at least 10 prior arrests for robbery and grand larceny, sources said. He was released each time, which means he’s been free to return to the city-funded migrant shelters where he has been shacking up, according to the sources.”

The teen has posted photos on social media pages, including mimicking holding a handgun.

“According to police, he is among about 20 young migrants who call themselves ‘Diablos de la 42’ — Devils of 42nd Street in Spanish — who operate out of the city shelter at the Roosevelt Hotel. The youngsters are recruited by older Tren de Aragua members and are dispatched to pull off robberies in the five boroughs — from purse snatchings to, more recently, armed robberies.”

New York’s immigration ‘sanctuary status’ precludes cops from entering migrant shelters unless they have a warrant or are responding to a 911 call.

This makes it impossible to root out gang activity at the tax-funded facilities.

Trump’s Economic Policies: Tax Cuts Offset by Tariff Revenue, Job Creation, and Economic Growth


Photo courtesy of Donald J. Trump’s Facebook page.

During his 2024 presidential campaign, President Trump’s proposed economic and trade policies largely mirror those from his 2017-2021 presidency, with a continued focus on his “America First” agenda.

His key priorities include strengthening the U.S. economy, decoupling from China, and rebuilding America’s industrial base.

Trump plans to encourage companies to keep production in the U.S. through tax incentives and penalties for offshoring jobs, aiming to prioritize American workers and businesses.

A central pillar of his economic strategy is achieving energy independence.

Trump pledges to expand domestic energy production, particularly in oil, gas, and coal industries, opposing green energy policies, which he views as harmful to both the traditional energy sector and the economy as a whole.

President Trump has proposed a series of tax policies aimed at boosting economic growth and benefiting everyday Americans.

His plan includes extending key provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), allowing individuals to keep more of their paychecks by maintaining lower tax rates, a higher standard deduction, and the child tax credit.

Additionally, he plans to eliminate income taxes on overtime, which will benefit working people.

He also proposes eliminating taxes on Social Security benefits, easing the financial burden on retirees.

Trump’s tax plan focuses on reducing the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%, which he believes will encourage companies to invest, expand, and stimulate economic growth.

He also supports repatriating foreign profits by lowering corporate tax rates, aiming to bring overseas profits back to the U.S., spurring domestic investment, creating jobs, and increasing tax revenue to help reduce the deficit.

Other key elements of his proposals include tax incentives for domestic production, reinstating state and local tax (SALT) deductions, and removing green energy tax credits to support traditional energy sectors.

His overall tax plan is designed to benefit both individuals and businesses, fostering job creation and investment.

A major part of Trump’s strategy involves regulatory rollbacks, which he believes will lower the cost of doing business.

He also proposes business investment incentives like restoring tax breaks, such as 100% deductions for capital investments (bonus depreciation), and more favorable tax treatment for research and development.

Additionally, his agenda prioritizes bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S., investing in infrastructure, and training American workers for these roles.

Trump’s 2024 economic plan focuses on reducing government spending, cutting regulations, and creating jobs by fostering a business-friendly environment.

Although he hasn’t provided detailed spending cuts, he often emphasizes shrinking the size of the federal government and eliminating what he sees as wasteful or inefficient programs to help offset deficits.

Critics argue that President Trump’s proposed tax cuts will reduce government revenue, but he contends these losses would be offset by positive economic outcomes.

Trump plans to replace some income tax revenue with tariff revenue and encourages companies to return to the U.S., stimulating economic growth.

He believes corporate tax cuts and investment incentives will lead to an increase in hiring as well as increasing wages, which would generate more tax revenue over time and help reduce the deficit.

Trump argues that tax cuts, particularly for businesses, will spur economic growth by encouraging companies to invest, expand, and hire more workers. He expects that this increased economic activity will offset much of the lost revenue from the tax cuts.

Additionally, by reducing the corporate tax rate and restoring tax incentives for investments, he anticipates increased private investment, boosting productivity, capital formation, and long-term economic growth.

Trump’s proposed trade tariffs aim to achieve several goals: increasing government revenue, decoupling from China, and encouraging domestic industry growth.

He believes that tariffs will protect U.S. industries from foreign competition, particularly from China, while generating significant government revenue.

Additionally, these tariffs are designed to reduce trade deficits by encouraging domestic production and reducing reliance on foreign imports.

By making it more cost-effective for U.S. allies to invest in American factories rather than manufacturing overseas, Trump expects to boost domestic industry.

He also believes that trade protectionism will pressure trading partners to negotiate better deals for the U.S., strengthening the economy in the long term.

Trump’s 2024 campaign continues his commitment to decoupling from China, encouraging American businesses to move supply chains back to the U.S. or to friendly nations.

He highlights the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) as a successful example of renegotiating trade deals to prioritize American workers and industries.

His approach to trade also includes renegotiating existing trade deals he views as unfavorable, with a focus on bilateral agreements rather than multilateral ones like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), giving the U.S. more leverage in negotiations.

Trump has also suggested using tariffs on European goods to gain leverage in negotiations with the European Union, particularly in industries like automobiles and agriculture.

Overall, his trade policies reflect an “America First” vision, emphasizing the protection of U.S. industries, reducing the trade deficit, and reshaping global trade to favor the United States.

The Biden administration has been too soft on China, as well as on both U.S. allies and adversaries.

It will be refreshing to have a president who puts America first and fully embraces the idea of Make America Great Again.

Market ‘Very Convinced’ Trump Is Going To Win, Billionaire Investor Says

 A billionaire investor said on Wednesday that the market — in which multiple stock indices rose to record highs this week — anticipates victory by former President Donald Trump.

Stanley Druckenmiller, the chairman and CEO of Duquesne Family Office, made the assessment during an interview on Bloomberg Television just under three weeks before Election Day.

“I must say in the last 12 days, the market and the inside of the market is very convinced Trump is going to win,” Druckenmiller said.

“You can see it in the bank stocks, you can see it in crypto, you can even see it in DJT, his social media company,” he added.

“Throughout the whole, I would say, the industries that are deregulated — if we had deregulation — will benefit from Trump or outperforming the others,” Druckenmiller said.


Druckenmiller emphasized how it is an “evolving situation” and he personally does not have “conviction” on who will emerge the winner.

But Druckenmiller explained that he likes “market indicators” for the economy and finance, as well as elections.

“I remember how right the market was on Ronald Reagan in 1980, despite what the pundits were saying,” he said.

Trump has been surging ahead in betting markets over the past several days, even though polling shows a close race between him and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Druckenmiller took a swipe at the polls, saying, “Who knows what these polls even mean. No one even responds to them anymore.”

The hedge fund manager also talked about which political party will take control of one or both chambers of Congress.

He said a “blue sweep is extremely unlikely,” noting that Republicans seem to be on the verge of taking back the Senate even if Harris wins the presidential race.

Druckenmiller said a “red sweep” is more likely than a Trump presidency with a “blue Congress” because he doubts voters backing the former president would split the ticket for Democrats in Congress.

The economy could be “potentially stronger” for three to six months with a “red sweep,” Druckenmiller said before cautioning that a “bad response” in fixed-income markets could “snuff out” the equity rally.

Regardless of what the markets may be predicting, Druckenmiller said he would not personally support Trump or Harris and would “probably write in someone.”

Although he contended both candidates are “unified on some things” like industrial policy, Druckenmiller noted concerns with Trump’s tariffs plan and negotiation tactics with foreign countries.

Harris would be “much worse in terms of anti-bigness, anti-business, and regulation,” Druckenmiller said.

Harmeet Dhillon Shreds Kamala’s Record As DA

 Famed conservative lawyer Harmeet Dhillon took to X on Monday to lay out a lengthy thread decimating Vice President Kamala Harris’ record as district attorney in San Francisco.

Dhillon began by saying a member of Harris’ staff told her that when Harris was the San Francisco DA, “one of her top deputies regularly rounded the office urging prosecutors to stop by Harris’ fundraisers for re-election to donate and/or volunteer.” The staffer reportedly told Dhillon that she was told it would be “good for her career to contribute.”

Dhillon went on to say that “the supervisor in one of the criminal units was a no-show who literally phoned it in from San Diego, filling out fake time sheets from there where his boyfriend was.”

“This went on for years, only ending under George Gascon’s tenure,” Dhillon continued.

The San Francisco District Attorney’s Office did not immediately respond to a Daily Wire inquiry.

Dhillon then said a prosecutor in Harris’ DA office told her that “as policy, [the office] did not allege prior crime ‘strikes’ in indictments as is routinely done in other counties such as the one where the deputy DA had come from.”

That deputy DA “was criticized for alleging strikes; only supervisors were allowed to authorize this and it was rarely done, yet another way Harris went soft on crime,” Dhillon said. “What does it mean when you don’t allege strikes? [I]t means that a career criminal, a violent criminal, who commits multiple crimes gets two years instead of 25 to life. The prosecutor complained about this internally but it went nowhere.”


Dhillon also brought up how Harris violated her pledge to stay under a voluntary spending cap when she ran for DA back in 2003. California’s Ethics Commission claimed the violations were “unintentional,” but Harris was fined $34,000 anyway, the San Francisco Chronicle reported at the time. It was the largest fine under San Francisco’s campaign finance law at the time.

After Harris won the election, Dhillon said in a post on X, Harris “immediately sent out mass ‘let’s make a deal’ letters to every defense lawyer with a pending murder case.”

“These cases were almost all pled out to manslaughter or even lesser charges, and then Harris claimed these as convictions on murder cases for her closure rate,” Dhillon wrote. “This is unheard of and set a tone of defense lawyers not taking her office seriously.”

Dhillon then moved on to Harris’ “incompetence,” which “got two gang violence witnesses killed, by housing them just across county lines. The bad guys found and killed them, the cases then fell apart. And scared witnesses then refused to testify against more bad guys. Rinse and repeat.”

Dhillon also took Harris to task for her low conviction rate, which she said “was a widely known joke in CA law enforcement circles.”

“And everyone — especially the criminals — knew and exploited it,” Dhillon added.

Harris also “manipulated the stats as DA by charging only cases that were ‘trial ready’ in the first place — an absurd metric as most cases are built up after charging on a probable cause basis,” Dhillon said.

“Even so, her conviction rate was a joke,” Dhillon concluded.

Kamala Refuses To Distance Herself From Past Extreme Policy Positions On Illegal Immigration

 Vice President Kamala Harris struggled during her interview with Fox News on Wednesday when confronted with the list of failures that have defined the Biden-Harris administration.

Anchor Bret Baier asked Harris about many of the far-Left positions that she has taken on illegal immigration in the past, including supporting “allowing immigrants in the country illegally to apply for driver’s license, to qualify for free tuition at universities, [and] to be enrolled in free health care.”

When asked if she still supported those things, Harris did not answer the question.

“Listen, that was five years ago, and I’m very clear that I will follow the law,” she claimed. “I have made that statement over and over again, and as Vice President of the United States, that’s exactly what I’ve done, not to mention before.”

Baier noted that the running mate she chose, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D), signed those very things into law in his state.

“So do you support that?” Baier pushed.

“We are very clear, and I am very clear, as is Tim Walz, that we must support and enforce federal law, and that is exactly what we will do,” she claimed.


Harris, who struggled to answer nearly every question that she faced, had an especially hard time owning the administration’s border crisis.

When asked when she finally was able to admit to herself that the situation on the southern border was a crisis, Harris deflected and claimed that it was this way during former President Donald Trump’s administration, which is false.


“There were 90 plus executive orders that were rescinded in the first days. Many of those were Trump border policies,” Baier noted. “But you frequently talk to the Border Patrol Union for support of that bipartisan bill. And they did. They supported it — but they also just endorsed Donald Trump and said, you’ve been, quote, ‘a failure with border security.'”

“Why do you think they said that?” Baier asked.

“I think they’re frustrated. And I get it,” Harris said. “They want support. They want support, and that’s what that border security bill would have done. These guys down at the border, these men and women, they’re working hard. They’re working around the clock, I get it.”