Recently, prominent pro-lifer Ryan Bomberger (a black man conceived in rape) delivered a talk to the Wheaton College Republicans about a topic very close to his heart: abortion and race. Apparently, that was much too racy a topic for certain members of the student body to tolerate.
"I presented a multimedia talk entitled: 'Black Lives Matter In and Out of the Womb' which provided a perspective that is rarely heard. I wanted to compel students to critically think," Bomberger wrote at the Radiance Foundation, where he serves as the Chief Creative Officer. "Instead, some wanted to silence the message and smear the messenger."
He continued: "The Student Government Association (SGA), reportedly with the help of two staff members (Peter Hansen and Crystal Cartwright) of the Office of Student Activities, sent out a dishonest, campus-wide email denouncing me and the hope-filled, fact-based, Biblically-sound presentation."
The email claimed that Bomberger's message about abortion and race "made many students, staff and faculty of color feel unheard, underrepresented and unsafe on our campus," which is bizarre, to say the least, considering that Bomberger is a "person of color." The email did not identify him as such.
Only one of the five people who signed the email actually attended the 50-minute presentation, according to Bomberger, which was followed by nearly an hour of Q&A. Students who felt "unheard" would have had plenty of opportunities to dialogue with Bomberger at the event if they so wished.
Philip Zeisemer, Founder of the College Republicans, said the school handled the situation improperly.
“I’m disappointed by the school’s response because I do not believe Wheaton College wants to restrict students from taking part in open dialogue," said Zeismer. "I believe free speech is threatened when someone with a different point of view is accused—in print—of making students feel ‘unsafe’ and ‘underrepresented.’ I wish the school would have responded by encouraging students to think critically, discuss the message from both sides, and challenge themselves on the content presented."
The Wheaton administration has issued no comment on the situation, while the school paper, the Wheaton Record, has elected to describe the pro-life Bomberger as "controversial."
More from Bomberger's post:
They referenced my speech at Harvard as an example similar to Wheaton—an event where pro-abortion activists melted down throughout the event because they hate a pro-life worldview. That was nothing like Wheaton. Then they cited my speech at Vicksburg High School where the administration published defamatory statements on Facebook and in a school-wide email to students and parents saying I didn’t deliver the presentation that was approved. The Wheaton Record doesn’t tell you that less than two weeks later the school issued a formal apology for lying about all of it. They praised me for being a “dynamic motivating speaker who touched the hearts of many in the audience.”Do you see a pattern here at Wheaton? Some want "diversity" and faux "unity" so much they’re willing to sacrifice the truth, no matter who it actually hurts.
Bomberger has been a prominent member of the pro-life movement for years. Recently, the Big Tech overlords at Instagram censored him for a meme he had created for #WorldPopulationDay in which he blasted Planned Parenthood for slaughtering black children.
"Instagram deleted our post, threatening to restrict or disable our account if we violate their guidelines again," said Bomberger. "The meme wasn’t threatening violence–it denounced racial violence, no matter the era. But Titans of Tolerance have no interest in the truth. They can delete our posts, and even our account, but they can’t delete the truth. And of course, there was no due process, no appeal process, no one to reach to correct this injustice. There was no option other than to click OK and the purge was complete."