
Sunday, 15 September 2019

Beto O’Rourke finds more common ground on gun confiscation, this time in a Buc-ee’s restroom

We’re so old, we remember Dick Gephardt always going on about this unnamed rich friend of his who was always coming to his office and begging — begging — the government to raise his taxes, knowing it would be good for everybody.
Beto O’Rourke has been doing something similar lately, both telling voters at debates that, “Hell yes, we’re gonna take your AR-15s” (and even making a campaign fundraiser T-shirt out of it) and then sharing anecdotes of all the common ground he’s found with gun owners at gun shows, where you can buy an AR-15 for $395. Why, he’s certain law-abiding gun owners in Texas would be more than happy to cut their semi-automatic rifles into pieces:
Beto O'Rourke with another 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥: “Texans who own AR-15s, they’ve told me, 'I don’t need this. I don’t need it to hunt, I don’t need it to protect myself…if giving this back, or cutting it to pieces, or selling it to the gov helps to keep us safer, then by all means do it’”
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Now we have done a couple of posts on people who have destroyed their AR-15s on video (possibly illegally) or turned them in to police, but we’re not seeing a lot of it. But wait … O’Rourke just talked to another “longtime Republican” in a Buc-ee’s restroom and the movement is growing.
New O'Rourke anecdote: He says a longtime Republican chatted him up today in @BUCEES bathroom on guns. "He said, 'This is gonna be strange — not strange that I’m talking to you while we’re both at a urinal ... but strange because I'm telling you you're absolutely right on guns."
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What’s strange about talking at the urinal? We’re counting the days until O’Rourke does a live stream of his trip to the restroom.
If this happened, which it didn't, it still doesn't provide an ounce of evidence for Beto's unconstitutional platform,bringing him to a grand total of 0 evidence.
See Matt (from Arnor) 🇺🇸🇻🇦's other Tweets
We see what you did there.
I’m gonna have to call bullshit. He seems to tell a lot of stories that are not disprovable, but are far-fetched and always align with his talking points.
See DC Dude's other Tweets
If this happened, which it didn't, it still doesn't provide an ounce of evidence for Beto's unconstitutional platform,bringing him to a grand total of 0 evidence.
See Matt (from Arnor) 🇺🇸🇻🇦's other Tweets
Well, one Republican told O'Rourke something about guns standing at the head taking a leak, so that settles it.

(In seriousness, I have no idea what this is supposed to signify. Consensus on confiscation? Something else?)
See Michael Haugen's other Tweets
I mean, I was totally pro 2A until Robert had this epic conversation with a creepy bum at a gas station while taking a leak. Now I don’t think there is any choice but to hand over all guns to the federal government.
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I think the tide turned when he started cussing. That's what actually convinced people to turn in their firearms - curse words. Oh, wait ... that's right. No one is really planning on turning anything in. It's all in Beto's head.
See Dagan K's other Tweets

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