Declassified Government secrets that are actually kind of terrifying (22 Pics)
“The Nixon Administration had a speech prepared for if the moon landing had failed, and it’s chilling. You can read it here.“
“Operation Midnight Climax. The government hired sex workers to dose “johns” with LSD for research purposes so to speak.”
“When the space shuttle Challenger was destroyed, it was reported that all 7 astronauts were killed instantly. It was revealed decades later that some, if not all of the astronauts survived the initial explosion, as the cockpit cabin had enough protection to not be breached. For 2 minutes and 45 seconds, they were awake and aware, as they plummeted toward the Atlantic Ocean.
Understandably, NASA knew that the news of their terrifying death would have crippled the space program even more than it already was.”
“Here’s one from the brits and the Aussies in the 50’s – nuclear tests in Maralinga, oh yeah, some aboriginals lived nearby.”
“The plan [Devil Eyes] after 9/11 to make (toy) figurines that look like Osama Bin Laden and give them to kids in South Asia. After it’s left in the sun for a certain amount of time, its face would peel off to reveal a “demon-like visage with red skin, green eyes, and black markings,” basically a demon. The objective was to scare kids and their parents so Bin Laden and Al Qaeda would lose support.”
“In 1984, a psychic remote viewed the planet Mars for the CIA. In his remote view, he’s asked to travel backward to several points in time in Mars’ history and several points of interests using coordinates. The psychic ends up describing things like some sort of planetary catastrophe, strange structures (including pyramids), and the strange inhabitants on the Red Planet.
Whether you believe in aliens and conspiracy theories or not, it’s definitely weird that an official branch of the government has run experiments like these.”
“Operation Northwoods; A plan for a false flag operation that came from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Department of Defense in 1962 and given to JFK who turned it down. The plan called for the CIA to commit terrorist actions against US Civilians across the United States and frame Cuba, allowing us the right to invade and depose Castro and the communist government there. It was declassified and can be found online at the JFK Library. Terrifying that no one knows or seems to care that this was suggested by our government to the President.”
“The Gateway Project. Army Intelligence’s look into the feasibility of remote viewing and astral projection for military use (and, obviously, whether it even exists).
Take it with however much salt you want, but clearly, the group tasked with the report thought it credible, and the army apparently did train a “Gateway Taskforce” for intelligence.”
“Boeing X-37B unmanned space shuttle. It just spent 720 days in space doing God knows what.”
“CIA involvement in starting the Guatemalan Civil War which lasted 36 years and led to the genocide of hundreds of thousands of indigenous people.”
“The CIA’s family jewels. It’s a collection of fucked up shit the CIA did during the Cold War. Highlights include sexually assaulting prisoners to make them more likely to fail a lie detector test and the various wire taps and standing orders to read all mail to and from Russia. The linked document has a table of contents.”
“I don’t think it’s classified but. Project Thor: using a Satellite Bomber to bomb a city. Imagine, a missile or a bomb combing from space, and before you know it. Your city is destroyed by a falling Missile/Bomb..”
“Surprised no one has mentioned the Panama Papers. They’ve been out for a while, but there’s been little coverage of them. TLDR of them: Lots of money laundering that was tracked pointed to major governments and global businesses.”
“Not really terrifying but fucked up, Operation Paper Clip. Where after WW2 the US government took Nazi scientists and shipped them to America to do science. Some of them came straight from Nuremberg cells. The most noteworthy being Wehrner Von Braun. Von Braun built the V2 rockets with Jewish slave labor. Every day they would execute the 5 slowest workers in front of the other workers to incentive them to work harder. Once he came to America, we shipped him to Huntsville, Alabama, where he built the Saturn 5 (the rocket used in the Apollo program) and got us to the moon.”
“Read the book ‘One Second After.’ It’s about what happens after an EMP attack on the U.S. It’s based on actual government studies and estimates. It is terrifying.”
“There are over 50 mishaps with nuclear weapons by the US Airforce in the 1950s alone.”
“Operation Sea-Spray. The military sprayed supposedly harmless bacteria over San Francisco to study the spread of biological weapon attacks. It was revealed that this happened over 200 times all across the US.”
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