Donald Trump Jr., the president's eldest son, told Fox News host Sean Hannity on
Wednesday evening that he wishes his name was Hunter Biden, former Vice President
Joe Biden's son, so that he too could profit off his father's presidency.
During a one-on-one appearance on Fox News' Hannity, the show's host and Trump Jr.
discussed the media's allegedly favorable treatment of Biden and his family.
"Joe Biden's on tape in a quid pro quo. Either you fire him in six hours or you're not
getting the billion dollars. Fire him you get the billion dollars. Quid pro quo," Hannity said.
"Then you got, 'Do you know anything about Ukraine?' No. 'Do you know anything about
energy?' No. 'Oil?' Nope. 'Gas?' No. 'Millions of dollars?' Oh, that was the guy that Joe demanded to be fired. Imagine if that was your name, Hunter Biden."
"Well, I wish my name was Hunter Biden," Trump Jr. said. "I could go abroad, make millions
off of my father's presidency. I would be a really rich guy. It would be incredible. But
because my name is Trump, if I took 1.5 dollars from China. Not $1.5 billion like Hunter.
But 1.5 dollars. Their heads would explode."
President Donald Trump accused Biden of quid pro quo earlier this month, hours after
White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney appeared to admit that the president had
engaged in a quid pro quo with Ukraine during a briefing with reporters.

"The look back to what happened in 2016 certainly was part of the things that he was
worried about in corruption with that nation. And that is absolutely appropriate," Mulvaney
said, referring to allegations that Ukraine might have had a hand in hacking the DNC
server in 2016.
But hours later, Mulvaney walked back his remarks and said "the only reason we were
holding the money was because of concern about the lack of support from other nations
and concerns over corruption."
Following Mulvaney's initial remarks, Trump attacked the Bidens during his speech at a
campaign rally in Dallas. "Look at the terrible foreign corruption of the Bidens. I hate to
talk about him. You know why? I don't think he's got a chance," he said.
The president also claimed that Biden orchestrated the firing of the Ukrainian Prosecutor
General during Obama's administration as his son "was paid massive sums of money" to purchase a "Ukrainian energy company."
"Now that's what you call quid pro quo," he added.
Although there is no evidence to back up his claims, Trump went on to attack the media
for calling the allegations against Biden "unsubstantiated."
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