
Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Former CIA Station Chief: Attempted Coup Against President Trump Looks Like CIA Operation Led by John Brennan (VIDEO)

In an exclusive interview with RAIR Foundation USA retired CIA Station Chief Brad Johnson claims the attempted coup against Donald Trump looks like a CIA operation.

Johnson even suggests that former CIA Chief John Brennan is behind it.
Johnson added, “This is the last big gasp so they’re pulling out all the stops.  You can see who the desperate people are…  We just saw former CIA Director John Brennan out on national news saying, “Please anybody else out there who can be a whistleblower please step forward.  Nows the time.”
On Monday night former State Department whistleblower Peter Van Buren spoke with Tucker Carlson on the current Democrat-Deep State coordinated attack to remove President Trump in a political coup.
Peter described the current accusations of the left as a “three way pitch-and-toss” between the Democrat Party, the liberal media and these deep state whistleblowers.
Van Buren then alleged that the second whistleblower is actually an accomplice with the first whistleblower.

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