NBC News writer Simon Moya-Smith seems upset that President Trump totally blew off Native American Heritage Month, instead proclaiming November National American History and Founders Month. Seems kind of racist, huh?
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Let's just cut to the chase and call it National White Man month. We know that's what they mean.
See woodpiggy
's other Tweets

I will not take the outrage bait. I will not take the outrage bait. I will not take the outrage bait....I hope he falls down a well but I will not take the outrage bait...
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You know who else tried rewriting history? Simon Moya-Smith. It doesn’t take long to search the White House website and find the official proclamation of Native American Heritage Month 2019:
During National Native American Heritage Month, we affirm our commitment to working toward a society that fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diversity of culture and history of the 573 federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native nations in our country. This November and every month, we celebrate the culture and heritage of these remarkable Americans who deeply enrich the quality and character of our Nation.NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 2019 as National Native American Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to commemorate this month with appropriate programs and activities and to celebrate November 29, 2019, as Native American Heritage Day.
For the record, he made the same proclamation in 2017 and 2018.
Curious why this is still up since you're full of shit.
See Rusty Weiss
's other Tweets

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He might have said "no takebacks" though, it's a pretty common strategy among blatant liars
See Benjamin Bryant's other Tweets
You know they won't apologize or retract, right? Because that's not how this works?
See No Burdens's other Tweets
Or, he’ll post an update in a separate tweet and leave the original up, which already has 8,000 retweets. Oh wait, that’s exactly what he did in this “clarification”:
Let me clarify: Trump subverts and undermines the sole purpose of #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth by instead celebrating “The Founders” — white men who in the Declaration of Independence explicitly referred to Natives as “merciless Indian savages.” twitter.com/simonmoyasmith …
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Instead? So we can’t celebrate the Founders at all, or just not in the same month as Native Americans?
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