
Friday, 15 November 2019

Female 'Survivor' contestants say they exaggerated 'inappropriate touching' claims in order to win the competition

Two women on "Survivor: Island of the Idols" admitted to exaggerating complaints of "inappropriate touching" from a fellow contestant in order to win the competition.

What are the details?

During Wednesday night's episode, contestant Kellee Kim claimed that contestant Dan Spilo, a Hollywood talent agent, reportedly touched her inappropriately on a number of occasions.
When Kim was finished delivering her story, contestants Elizabeth Beisel and Missy Byrd chimed in, insisting that they, too, were victims to Spilo's allegedly habitual inappropriate and unwanted contact. Byrd complained, "It's inappropriate touching. I'm not an object."
During the show, Kim can be seen divulging her story to show producers, who reportedly handled the situation off-camera. Later during the episode, however, both Beisel and Byrd told each other that they exaggerated their claims in order to set him up for elimination and secure their own fates in the competition.
Beisel said that she will "play up that card in whatever way possible."
"I'll do it," she said.
Tables turned later on in the episode, however, when the two women were given a chance to vote for Kim to be kicked off of the reality show island over Spilo. Both Beisel and Byrd ended up voting to have Kim removed.
Spilo issued an apology later during the show.
“I work in an industry in which the #MeToo movement was formed and allowed — thank God — to blossom and become powerful and strong," he apologized. “My personal feeling is if anyone ever felt for a second uncomfortable about anything I've ever done, I'm horrified about that and I'm terribly sorry."
“If that person was Kellee — if Kellee ever felt that in the freezing cold rain, or in tight shelters… or in all the ways we have to crawl around and through each other in this game — if I ever did anything that ever even remotely made her feel uncomfortable, it horrifies me, and I am terribly sorry," he added.
“True, untrue, it doesn't matter what I feel," he continued. “It doesn't matter whether I'm aware of it. It doesn't matter whether I ever sensed it. It doesn't matter whether I knew it happened or it didn't happen. If someone feels it, it's their truth."
Spilo added that the "gameplay" is what really upset everyone.
“I couldn't be more sorry. I couldn't be more confident in that I'm one of the kindest, gentlest people I know," he said. “I have a wife, I have been married for 21 years, I have two boys, I have a big business, I have lots of employees. I think what upset everybody here is that this has somehow turned into gameplay."

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