
Monday, 18 November 2019

How DARE you? Robert J. O’Neill, the SEAL who got bin Laden, BLASTS Joe Biden for exploiting troops to trash Trump

Admit it. You forgot Joe Biden was running, right? Ok, maybe not ‘forgot’ but he’s not exactly the candidate who first comes to mind when thinking about the 2020 election. Perhaps he’s just so milquetoast that he’s not interesting enough to bother with or he’s really not a threat …
Maybe both.
So this tweet from Biden claiming Trump is unfit to command the troops because of controversial pardons comes across as just desperate:
Trump's intervention in the American military justice system to pardon service members accused or convicted of war crimes betrays the rule of law, the values that make our country exceptional & the men and women who wear the uniform honorably. He is not fit to command our troops.
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Joe’s tweet got the attention of Robert J. O’Neill … you know, the absolute bada*s who killed bin Laden. He seemed less than impressed with this tweet:

Maybe take a seat, Joe.
Take many, many, many of them.
I knew Creepy @JoeBiden wasn’t a very good lawyer when he told people to illegally discharge both barrels of a double barrel shotgun into the air... but I didn’t know he was so bad he thought constitutionally provided Executive Clemency was against the rule of law.
See Bocephus's other Tweets
Biden @joebiden was one of the idiots in the senate that left South Vietnam swinging in the wind in FY 1975. I will neither forgive or forget. Many of my ARVN friends went into those camps and never came out! - United States Army, Field Artillery, retired.
See David Jump's other Tweets
Exactly! I was at a Squadron when he called the exact Team out. We were shocked and then your career/life was flipped upside down. He was unfit for VP and President.
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@JoeBiden Yawn. Coming from a career politican who has stood for nothing. These American Warriors killed the enemy. That is their job. In order to survive in combat a Warrior will do terrible things. A Warrior will do things best forgotten. Keep your PC mindset in DC.
See Marine Corps Veteran's other Tweets
That. ^
Guy has always been a phony and always will be. Biden is a hard “no” from me
See Dan B's other Tweets
Biden is a hard ‘no’ for a lot of us.
But good luck with that, Democrats.

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