
Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Lt. Col. Vindman Accuses Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani of Lying, Promoting False Narratives that Undermined the US-Ukraine Policy (VIDEO)

NSC leaker Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Jennifer Williams are testifying in front of the Adam Schiff Show Trial Tuesday morning at 9 AM ET.

Rick Perry, Sen. Ron Johnson and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman on Ukraine trip.
Lt. Col. Vindman was a suspected leaker and NSC officials attempted to remove Vindman from his White House post.

In his opening statement Vindman accused Rudy Giuliani of lying and promoting false narratives that undermined US-Ukrainian policy.

That was a pretty bold statement for the young Vindman.
Accusing the former New York City mayor, Trump attorney and New York State prosecutor of lying about Ukraine is quite an indictment.
He better have the goods.