
Thursday, 12 December 2019

HUGE! Horowitz Refutes Comey, Deep State Activities Described in Report Do Not Vindicate Anybody! (VIDEO)

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified Wednesday morning before the Senate Judiciary Committee led by Lindsey Graham. 
Shortly after IG Horowitz released his report on FISA abuse on Monday, fired FBI Director James Comey blasted President Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr.
“So it was all lies. No treason. No spying on the campaign. No tapping Trumps wires. It was just good people trying to protect America,” Comey said in a Twitter caption linking to his Washington Post op-ed titled, “The Truth is Finally Out. The FBI Fulfilled Its Mission.”
Lindsey Graham on Wednesday opened up by asking why the FBI didn’t brief Trump and warn him that perhaps a few of his campaign volunteers were suspected of working on behalf of a foreign country.
Lindsey Graham then asked Horowitz if his report vindicated Comey.
“Former FBI Director James Comey said this week that your report vindicates him. Is that a fair assessment of your report?” Lindsey Graham asked.
“I think the activities we found here don’t vindicate anybody who touched this,” Horowitz said.


The DOJ IG report found 17 errors, 51 violations and 9 false statements all against Trump yet Horowitz concluded there was no political bias.
The report revealed that the FBI defrauded the FISA court and purposely omitted exculpatory information from the FISA judges in order to obtain FOUR FISA warrants on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. 
Hopefully Barr and Durham can bring these criminals who attempted a coup to remove Trump from office to justice.