
Wednesday, 29 January 2020

College Holds Event Accusing White Students Of Having ‘A Nasty Little Racist Inside Them’

Colleges and universities across the country continue to cater to the most “woke” among them. The latest example comes from a Minnesota college that held various events to allegedly commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by preaching the exact opposite of what the man stood for.
Instead of judging people by the content of their character rather than their skin color, Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota held an event “for White people only” that sought to force them to “recognize and acknowledge that there is a nasty little racist inside them, and to do so without becoming angry or defensive and describe the skills of psychological flexibility that they must develop in order to make authentic choices in defiance of their racist tendencies.”
Campus Reform reported on the event, based on a description taken from the school’s website.
“This session is for White people only,” the event description said. “While we won’t stop people of color from attending, they should know that their presence in the room is likely to interfere with the effectiveness of the session.”
The session, titled “How to Embrace Your Inner Racist: A Session for White People,” claimed to offer “Acceptance & Commitment Training,” which apparently means calling an entire section of the community “racist.”
“This ACT method is also known as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and seeks to employ psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in order to inspire behavioral change, according to Psychology Today,” Campus Reform reported. “The event was led by Ahmed Afzaal, a Concordia professor of Religion and Social Activism who has published such works as ‘Free Speech Comes with a Price Tag,’ and an essay about the peaceful application of jihad in the modern world.”
The outlet spoke to a student, Gabe, who attended the event and said: “The room was packed with people sitting on the floor. There was only white people there.” He estimated about 70 people attended the event.
Other events included one specifically for white women called, “And You Call Yourself an Ally,” led by, shockingly, a white woman. The event was supposed to “encourage white women to confront and analyze their participation and/or complicity in racist systems of oppression” as well as to “create a foundational experience of exposure to white women’s microaggressions.”
To prepare for the event, students were told to read an article about Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who was caught years ago pretending to be black who claims to identify as black.
Another white professor led an event called “Anti-racism for White People,” which asked students to “engage in advancing awareness of whiteness, what it means, and how it operates.”
There were also events titled “Race and Environmental Justice” and “Can We Stop Being Police?” which, you guessed it, was about “the appropriate role of anger or of bold behaviors in dismantling racist systems.” Both of these sessions were also led by white professors.
This continues a trend of universities trying to appeal to the “woke” by holding workshops suggesting all white people are racist (except, apparently, for the white people running the workshops). In September, The Daily Wire reported on an event at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, which held a white privilege workshop that only nine students attended.