Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has previously said that she “feels sad” over impeachment, busted out a major grin on Wednesday when she signed the Democrats’ partisan articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump.
“So sad, so tragic for our country that the actions taken by the president undermined our national security, to violate his oath of office, and to jeopardize the security of our elections, the integrity of our elections, has taken us to this place,” Pelosi said. “So, today we will make history when the managers walk down the hallway, we will cross a threshold in history, delivering articles of impeachment against the President of the United States for abuse of power and obstruction of the House.”
This is the face of someone who is serious, sad, and somber?
Give me a break, Nancy Pelosi.
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Pelosi continued to show her partisanship in using impeachment as a political weapon, saying, “Yes, it is a fact: When someone is impeached, they are always impeached. It cannot be erased. So I stand by that comment, although I know you don’t like hearing it.”
The remarks come after she said on Sunday that Trump was “impeached for life.”
Even CNN’s Jake Tapper, a harsh critic of the president, admitted that Pelosi was trying to get under Trump’s skin with her actions.
Pelosi had dozens of taxpayer-funded golden pens made for the event and passed them out to those who attended and reportedly posed for photos after the signing.
So much for a somber, sad, and prayerful impeachment.
Democrats beam while Pelosi hands out impeachment pens, even posing for photos with their pens after they are handed out.
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CNN reporter Lauren Fox took a photograph of the pens, writing, “So many pens that Pelosi will sign to officially transmit the articles of impeachment and sign resolution appointing House managers. Why so many? They will be given away to members like House managers as a symbol of today.”
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) responded to Pelosi’s celebratory event and the gold pens by writing on Twitter: “They claim it’s a somber, serious occasion they’re heartbroken over… and then they pass out impeachment-signing pens with special cases. Folks. You can’t make it up.”
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“Democrats are so somber and prayerful and thoughtful about impeachment that they’re handing out coup swag to members to sell on eBay,” Federalist co-founder Sean Davis said.
Daily Caller columnist Derek Hunter quipped, “Democrats bought them with out tax dollars, so they’re likely $30,000 each.”
“Democrats are very reluctant and sad to impeach the President,” Matt Wolking, Deputy Director of Communications – Rapid Response for Trump ’s 2020 campaign said. “Have you heard how sad and reluctant they are?”
Trump tweeted early on Wednesday: “Here we go again, another Con Job by the Do Nothing Democrats. All of this work was supposed to be done by the House, not the Senate!”
Here we go again, another Con Job by the Do Nothing Democrats. All of this work was supposed to be done by the House, not the Senate!
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In a tweet on Tuesday evening, Trump wrote: “Cryin’ Chuck Schumer just said, ‘The American people want a fair trial in the Senate.’ True, but why didn’t Nervous Nancy and Corrupt politician Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff give us a fair trial in the House. It was the most lopsided & unfair basement hearing in the history of Congress!”
Cryin’ Chuck Schumer just said, “The American people want a fair trial in the Senate.” True, but why didn’t Nervous Nancy and Corrupt politician Adam “Shifty” Schiff give us a fair trial in the House. It was the most lopsided & unfair basement hearing in the history of Congress!
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