She has a pretty crazy gig that means a lot of travel, and deadlines put her above the border for the duration. She was missing being crafty, so she decided to make a series of plague masks.
She thought someone would get a kick out of building them, and I agree.

The tools of the trade.

Awl have you know that punching out those holes can be tricky.

Grommets, sans Wallace.

Piecing together sides here.

3-in-1 to seal alongside the stitching, because my girl is thorough.

Tacking up.

If I had a hammer... I really do realize how terrible I am at crafts.

Sew, a needle pulling threeeeeead.

Starting to come together.

More grommetting.

The beak forms. This is a half-form mask for someone who doesn't want eye protection due to glasses.

Side to side...

Reminds me of a corset.
Alright, maybe the quarantine has got me pent up.

More needling, tying the whole thing together.

Like stitching up a baseball. A baseball you wear on your face.

One side nearly completed.

Putting on the securing strap edges and matching up. The straps were apparently the tricky part on this one.

All the holes getting filled and fitted.

The layering here helps develop the 'nose' and give the mask shape when finally formed

I'm starting to question my more-awl-ity of showing so many shots like this.

Cutting, shaping...

And a side is formed.

Ribbons being set to straps.

Exposures sewn up.

Come together right now..

The side ports are coming together nicely. You could seriously stuff an aromatic sachet into this without an issue.


Across the noss sewing in a locking stitch to allow some flex and movement

Bringing it all together...

Aww yeah.

Look upon it! The Doctor is almost in.

Finally securing the ribbon and...

You have your shoebill plague mask.
So if you see someone wandering the byways of Canada in a plague mask this weekend say hey! From a distance, of course.
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