
Saturday, 25 April 2020

The Indomitable Pat Sajak Lances Celebrityhood And Coronavirus With One Tweet

On Friday, Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak, who at the age of 73 is among the population more at risk from the threat of the coronavirus COVID-19, showed that even that threat was not enough to stop him from displaying once again that his sense of humor is indomitable.
Taking aim at celebrityhood, an art that Sajak has mastered, Sajak tweeted, “No one was recognizing me when I went out wearing a face mask. Had to resort to carrying an 8×10 glossy of myself. Celebrityhood can be challenging.”
No one was recognizing me when I went out wearing a face mask. Had to resort to carrying an 8x10 glossy of myself. Celebrityhood can be challenging.
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As far back as 2017, Sajak was lampooning the self-importance celebrities display. After President Trump was elected and just before President Trump was inaugurated in a period where some celebrities had threatened to leave the country because Trump had been elected, he tweeted, “I wonder if the celebrities who moved out of the country will return for the demonstrations?”
In the wake of the Las Vegas massacre in October 2017, in the wake of the plethora of uninformed opinions offered by self-important celebrities, Sajak tweeted, “OK, let me explain this again: We’re celebs. We’re wiser & more empathetic than you. We are famous. Please take our opinions more seriously.”
In November 2018, just before the midterm elections, Sajak targeted celebrities again, tweeting, “One of the (many) odd conceits of celebrityhood is the notion that the ability to sing or tell jokes or portray other characters somehow qualifies one to tell others how to vote. Not sure electricians or truckers or sales associates feel that way about themselves.”
In August 2019,  Sajak issued another tweet mocking celebrityhood that jokingly offered some stern advice for Americans used to hearing every celebrity under the sun offer their well-qualified opinion on any subject.
Sajak tweeted that he was nobly taking it upon himself to advise America, but he might need some time: “As you probably know, we celebrities are uniquely qualified to tell you how to live and what to think, and I take that responsibility seriously. I’m working hard, and I expect to have my list of rules available in a week or so. Meantime, just do your best on your own.”
As you probably know, we celebrities are uniquely qualified to tell you how to live and what to think, and I take that responsibility seriously. I’m working hard, and I expect to have my list of rules available in a week or so. Meantime, just do your best on your own.
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At the end of March, Sajak took note of the many articles recommending having a daily schedule during the enforced isolation and offered his own method for keeping his sanity:
Experts stress the importance of making and adhering to a daily schedule. Here’s mine.
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Sajak has mentioned his age before; in November Sajak took notice of the unhinged climate alarmists on the Left who had decided to avoid having children in order to save the planet, offering his own hilarious solution for the problem.  Sajak tweeted, “In order to save our planet, I’m asking everyone in America who’s 73-years-old or older to join me in pledging not to have any more children.”

In order to save our planet, I’m asking everyone in America who’s 73-years-old or older to join me in pledging not to have any more children.
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