China, the same country that gave us the China coronavirus, costing over 100,000 American lives, is also behind much of the bad press related to President Trump and the USA.
China’s CCP (Communist Party) created an entity labeled the “United Front” directed to ensure the media in the US is flattering towards China and policies beneficial to China. The United Front also supports Democrat policies that benefit China and pushes the promotion of these policies.
We’ve reported numerous times how China’s economy is stalling, if not going backwards. There are numerous measurements that support this position, and yet you never hear about this in any of the free world’s media.
We posted a presentation in August 2019 from former Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon regarding China. He discussed how China is in an economic war with the US. He said America was losing until President Trump. Then he added this:
Well here’s the game and right now we are converging on a point and they understand this. We could take the whole thing down. We can take, the whole thing’s built on a house of sand…If they [China] devalue their currency they are just going to flood more out. They got $3 trillion of reserves and trust me, in a New York second that thing would flood out in a second. That’s what their own people think about their economy. We’ve allowed these guys to push us around. We’ve allowed these guys to take the South China Sea…This trade war is going to end in victory and what you’re going to see is a reorientation of the entire supply chain out of China…
But none of this is ever reported in the US MSM. This is in part because China has a major influence on the MSM in the US.
Former CIA Operations Officer Charles “Sam” Faddis penned a post where he outlines China’s efforts to rule the media in the US today. Below are pieces from his article published at andmagazine.com:
We are now weeks into what amounts to a nationwide insurrection. Monuments have been defaced, statues toppled, and the commercial centers of our great cities gutted. Yet, throughout, most of our mass media has characterized violence and lawlessness on an unprecedented scale as “peaceful protests.” The scope of the destruction has been concealed. The demands of the anarchists and Marxists rampaging across America seemingly systematically mischaracterized simply as demands for justice and reform.What’s going on? How, in a nation rooted in the rule of law and respect for the democratic process, have we reached a point where violence and lawlessness are not only condoned but championed? Why are the guardians of the First Amendment seemingly in league with groups dedicated to destroying the existing social order?Some of the explanation no doubt lies in the fact that much of what passes for our mainstream media is simply so blind in its hate for Donald Trump that it will support anyone and anything that seems to oppose him. There are other factors at work, however, and some of what is transpiring may, in fact, be due to a decidedly anti-American agenda and the desire of a particular foreign actor not only to damage this great nation but to promote its own particular ideology.The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses propaganda and influence operations as a means of projecting its power and weakening its enemies. Chief amongst the targets for these kinds of operations is the United States. These operations are not run on some kind of ad hoc basis. They are coordinated and directed at a national level by the CCP’s United Front Work Department.The CCP’s United Front system mobilizes the party’s “friends” to strike the party’s enemies. The system has existed for a long time, but it has been greatly energized and expanded in recent years by Xi Jinping. It operates inside foreign political parties, diaspora communities, colleges and corporations, all with the goal of promoting the party’s interests. The express goals of the United Front system include undermining social cohesion, exacerbating racial tension, and influencing politics.
Faddis then identifies the many connections between major MSM outlets and the CCP:
Most of the major American media outlets are owned by parent companies. These companies all have significant business interests inside China. They are dependent on Chinese goodwill and the approval of the Chinese government to safeguard those interests.THE NEW YORK TIMES
Carlos Slim a Mexican billionaire owns 17.4 percent of the company and votes for one-third of the board. Slim has massive business dealings with Chinese companies tied to the CCP. Among those ties is Huawei which is currently subject to U.S. sanctions for espionage and actions detrimental to American national security.THE WASHINGTON POST
In 2013, Amazon CEO and billionaire Jeff Bezos purchased the Washington Post for $250 million. Bezos has direct and massive ties to the Chinese market, which is controlled by the CCP. The production of Amazon’s most popular products like the Echo and the Kindle takes place almost exclusively in Chinese factories. When you purchase a Washington Post subscription, it comes with an advertising supplement called “China Watch.” This supplement is supplied courtesy of China Daily, a Chinese state-run media outlet.CNN
The company is owned and run by WarnerMedia, which has significant financial and organizational ties to the CCP. WarnerMedia is invested in China Media Capital (CMC) a media company overseen by the Chinese Communist Party. CNN, via its President Jeff Zuckers, is involved with NBA broadcasts into China and efforts to expand NBA programming there.MSNBC & NBC
Both MSNBC and NBC News are operated by NBC Universal, a company with huge financial ties to the CCP. NBC is in partnership with China’s state-run media organization. Xinhua has been identified by the U.S. State Department as a “foreign mission” meaning it is completely an arm of the CCP and does not function as an independent news outlet. NBC Universal’s Oriental DreamWorks is fully owned by a Chinese investment group.ABC
Walt Disney and ESPN are both owned by ABC. Both companies have large investments in the Chinese economy. In 2019 when the NBA refused to denounce Chinese actions in Hong Kong, ESPN’s senior news director instructed the network’s staff to avoid discussing Chinese politics or matters related to Hong Kong.BLOOMBERG
Both former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his company Bloomberg LP are heavily invested in China. Bloomberg LP sells terminals to its website in the Chinese market and helps finance Chinese companies by sending billions of dollars from U.S. investors to the Chinese bond market. Bloomberg LP supports 364 Chinese firms. Of these 159 are owned by the CCP. In 2014 Bloomberg killed an investigation into the finances of the CCP elite. When the story was ready for publication, editor-in-chief Matthew Winkler crushed it saying “It is for sure going to, you know, invite the Communist Party to, you know, completely shut us down and kick us out of the country. So, I just don’t see that as a story that is justified.”
Faddis also used the China coronavirus as an example. No wonder we never hear the media associate the China coronavirus with China:
In short, essentially all major American media outlets other than those of a more conservative or libertarian bent are subject to powerful Chinese influence. What they cover is what the CCP wants them to cover. What they say is what the CCP wants them to say.A recent example is telling. In a report looking at evening news broadcasts from January 17 through March 13, the Media Research Center found that out of 634 minutes of coronavirus coverage, just 3 minutes and 14 seconds were in any way critical of the Chinese government’s actions. In twenty percent of the stories, reporters cited Chinese statistics. Those statistics, regarded as fraudulent by most objective observers, went unchallenged 97% of the time.
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