
Monday, 1 June 2020

Citizens With AR15’s Protect Salem Storefronts During Protest

As the riots swept the nation over the weekend, the terrorists set their sights on lil’ ol’ Salem, Oregon, about an hour south of Portland. Upon hearing news of the protests, Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham put out a call for armed citizens to come and defend her shop and other stores in the area. You may recall that Graham has been the target of state fines and threats after she dared to open her salon in defiance of the governor’s Covid orders.
Leftists had specifically called out her shop for smashy smashy:
Several armed citizens, including a few bikers, showed up to defend stores around the whole block.
And of course the crazed leftists freaked out about Graham wanting to defend her business:

“If they come loot, it’s gonna be a show down. This is the difference between Portland and Salem” said this onlooker in his Twitter video:

It seems as though the protesters were quite unhappy with this, as they were deterred from smashing and looting those stores:
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Seems like the armed citizens accomplished their mission. Their stores weren’t busted up, no one was hurt, and everyone went home in one piece.
However, the terrorists did target a mall a few blocks away, smashing out some windows:
Though the protest was relatively calm compared to what’s gone on in larger cities, police did eventually use tear gas to break up the crowd. Full video report via KOIN6:

Several high quality photos on the Statesman Journal website.

It remains to be seen if the state will be fining any of the protesters for violating Covid guidelines.