Former Obama Secretary of State John Kerry warned of revolution if President Trump is reelected and voters believe the election was not fair. Kerry made the remarks Friday morning in a virtual Copenhagen Democracy Summit appearance with former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen who was also the former prime minister of Denmark and Australian reporter Ryan Heath with Politico.

In response to a follow-up question by an observer after Heath asked Kerry about his experience losing the 2004 presidential election and whether he thinks Trump would leave office “in the manner we’ve been accustomed” should he lose in November, Kerry likened the potential unrest in reaction to a Trump victory to the 1770s American Revolution where British colonists waged a war for independence from Great Britain. Kerry also compared the unrest in 2020 to 1968 where the U.S. saw assassinations, riots and the burning of cities across the county.
Kerry’s remarks were first reported by the Washington Examiner:
“If people don’t have adequate access to the ballot, I mean that’s the stuff on which revolutions are built. If you begin to deny people the capacity of your democracy to work, even the Founding Fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, we have an inherent right to challenge that. And I’m worried that increasingly, people are disaffected.”
After praising the George Floyd protests, Kerry said, “We have not a had a year like this in the United States since 1968 when Martin Luther King was assassinated, Bobby Kennedy assassinated and we had major challenges in our streets.”
Kerry also trashed President Trump’s foreign policy which has rolled back Obama policies including the Iran nuclear deal.
A Periscope video of Kerry’s remarks on a possible civil war can be seen at the 2:22 mark
Join us now at Copenhagen Democracy Summit where we'll be talking to @EU_Commission VP @VeraJourova
And after I'll be talking to @JohnKerry and @PoliticoRyan #DefendDemocracy …
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