Last night, well-known Democrat and civil rights attorney, Leo Terrell, joined conservative author and talk show host, Mark Levin, on his Fox News “Life, Liberty and Levin” show to discuss the Black Lives Matter movement and the radical group’s ties to the Democrat Party.
Terrell told Mark, “I think Black Lives Matter have dominated social media,” saying that it appears that they are controlling the Democrat Party. Terrell told Levin that the Black Lives Matter activists do not speak for Black Americans, adding that the “African Americans in these Democratic cities” do not want police departments defunded and that they need the police to keep law and order in their neighborhoods.
Terrell claims that the Democratic Party has been hijacked Black Lives Matter and accused the party of remaining silent over the violence of the BLM movement, hoping they won’t alienate mainstream black voters. “Trust me, you won’t alienate mainstream black voters” for speaking out against the violent movement.
Mark Levin talked about how BLM doesn’t seem to care much about Black police officers like Captain Dorn, who are killed by other blacks, or the innocent 3-year-old girl who was recently shot and killed in Chicago. Levin told Terrell that he’s sickened by the silence of blacks who are watching their communities being overrun by black on black crime and that only the BLM mob’s voices are being heard.

“You hit it right on the head!” “Black Lives Matter is basically the Al Sharpton of the 21st Century,” adding, “They’re profiteers! They [BLM] are profiteering on trying to give a narrative, a false narrative that is white racist cops that’s destroying the community.” The prominent Democrat continued by pointing out how no Black Lives Matter protesters are marching down the neighborhoods of Chicago, demanding an end to black on black violence. Terrell used the example of the insincere race-baiter, Al Sharpton, saying he, “goes to the George Floyd funeral—uses a funeral to launch a campaign speech attacking Donald Trump,” the civil rights attorney said. “I don’t see Al Sharpton in Chicago—that 3-year-old kid that was killed.” He asked, “Why?” and then promptly answered his own question, “Because it’s not profitable—there’s no money to be made.”

Terrell challenged Black Lives Matter, “Attack me,” he said, adding that he has the “credibility as a civil rights attorney.” He asked Levin how you can have systemic “discrimination in Chicago when the leadership is minority?” He blasted the lies of Black Lives Matter, “I know what systemic discrimination is,” he told Levin, adding, “It doesn’t exist!”
A frustrated Terrell unloaded on the lies of Black Lives Matter and the Democratic Party, “This is not 1960, we don’t’ have Bull Connor and german shepherds. This is 2020! I, an African American on your show. It’s not like it was 60 years ago! But Black Lives Matter and the Democrat leadership wants you to believe it’s 1960. Well, I’m sick of that narrative,” he said.
What do you think about Terrell’s commentary? Do you agree with him about BLM?
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