The Biden Campaign is turning into the world’s greatest parody account.

Hunter Biden’s first arrest may have been when he was 18. Hunter was arrested on Jersey Shore related to drug charges in 1988 and had his record expunged.
Many years later and after several stops into drug treatment facilities Hunter joined his father the Vice President on a trip to China in 2013 where Hunter — inexperienced and out of place — was able to secure a $1.5 billion from China for private equity fund which he was forming at the time.
A year later in early 2014 Hunter was discharged from the Navy for testing positive for cocaine.
Then in April 2014, just a couple months later, Hunter Biden Hunter joined the Board of Burisma Holdings in the Ukraine. Hunter served on the Board until early 2019. Hunter was paid approximately $50,000 a month in his position.
The largest oil and gas company in the Ukraine hired a chronic drug addict only a few months after the addict was removed from the US Navy for doing cocaine.
In 2016 Hunter Biden returned a rental car with a crack pipe with cocaine residue and a small amount of a white, powdery substance. Hunter was never charged with a crime.
China Joe and Hunter secured a $1.5 billion deal for themselves during their trip to China representing the United States.
On Saturday the Biden Campaign released an online ad on YouTube on how President Trump failed the United States by taking on China and lost 300,000 jobs.
This is a lie.
It is a complete lie.
Trump is the first president in 30 years to take on China.
The ad is running on YouTube — The comments are turned off.
Why is this allowed to run when it is completely false? It’s ridiculous it’s so false.
Meanwhile the tech giants are removing Trump’s tweets with completely factual information.
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