Televangelist Kenneth Copeland has appeared in a bizarre video where he fake laughs for almost a minute as he mocks the media for calling the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden.
The 83-year-old Texas pastor - who is estimated to be worth $760million - regularly films his services and was seen on camera making the strange comments earlier on Sunday.
'The media said what? Hahahahah' Copeland asked, before he continued to fake-laugh manically.
'The media said Joe Biden's president! Hahahahaha ha ha ha ha...,' Copeland continued.

Televangelist Kenneth Copeland has been filmed laughing at Joe Biden's win

83-year-old preacher filmed during his Sunday service laughing for 40 seconds

Just as soon as it seemed the laughing was over, the pastor continued some more

The laughter continued beyond what would normally be considered comfortable in the setting
Former Vice President Biden was declared the winner in the presidential race on Saturday as he captured 290 Electoral College votes, well past the 270 needed to secure the top office in the land.
He also garnered the lion’s share of the popular vote.
Copeland's sarcastic laughter over his own comments continued for 40 seconds whipping the crowd up into a frenzy before ending with a final 'whoop!' from the pastor.
Soon, some of the gathered faithful were laughing so hard several of them took to their feet to continue laughing alongside the multimillionaire televangelist.
A video clip of the service was posted on Twitter by Right Wing Watch.

The bizarre performance led to a range of reaction on Twitter
The strange performance led to a range of reactions on social media.
'Dude has lost his mind,' wrote Anita Louise on Twitter.
'For a group of people transfixed on demons and the antichrist, they sure have a hard time spotting what's right in front of them,' wrote one Twitter user.
'I defy anyone to watch that 41 seconds and tell me demonic possession isn't a thing,' added another.
'Christ this is something straight out of a Monty Python skit,' said one.
'Doesn’t everyone laugh like that?' joked another viewer of the clip.

Copeland continued the forced laughter for almost 40 seconds and it was all caught on video

It wasn't long before worshippers in the crowd also began to laugh at the preacher's antics

The pastor made a bizarre prayer early in the pandemic in which he attempted to 'blow' the coronavirus away
Copeland is frequently the subject of bizarre videos that surface online.
Early in the coronavirus pandemic he claimed to 'blow the virus away' in front of worshippers.
'Wind! Almighty! Strong! South wind! Heat! Burn this thing! In the name of Jesus,' Copeland yelled into the camera in April.
'Satan bow your knees. Fall on your face!' Copland said.
The televangelist claimed in the spring that the pandemic would be 'over much sooner you think' because 'Christian people all over this country praying have overwhelmed it.'
In March, the pastor 'executed judgment' on the virus and declared it to be 'finished' while demanding 'a vaccination to come immediately.'
Texas has recently been seeing a spike in coronavirus infections with almost one million people infected and almost 19,000 deaths in the state alone.

In April, the televangelist appears to blow a raspberry at the illness in the belief it would magically disappear altogether
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