
Sunday, 30 May 2021

Non Profits, Full of Radical Leftists, Are Setting National Sex Ed Standards

 The left has changed “Sex Ed” to mean “Sexuality Ed,” which is an important distinction that many Americans are not paying attention to. 

Just as the left sees great success in making biological gender about sexual preferences, they are moving in for bigger taboos to set public policy for the young children and force their sexuality agenda upon families at Taxpayer expense.

“The goal of the National Sexuality Education Standards: Core Content and Skills, K–12 is to provide clear, consistent, and straightforward guidance on the essential minimum, core content for sexuality education that is developmentally and age-appropriate for students in grades K–12.

Specifically, the National Sexuality Education Standards were developed to address the inconsistent implementation of sexuality education nationwide and the limited time allocated to teaching the topic. The National Sexuality Education Standards,” according to,  proving the new standards are about sexualities and social justice.

A long-time tactic of the left is to use Non-Government Organizations (NGO) or non-profits to go around the pressure of voters and to influence -and in this case, to write public policy.  It is a perfect plan that transforms American society, and voters are helpless to do anything to stop it.

Consider who is behind these National Standards for the new “Sexuality Ed.” Let’s focus on two nonprofit groups, who are themselves focused on teaching about abortion and sex change assignment. Digging deeper, you will see they are sponsored by Planned Parenthood who provides sex change and abortion advocacy.

Here is Planned Parenthood pushing for the adoption of these exact Sexuality Standards in Illinois.

On page 2 of the National, Sexuality Education Standards manual is a list of the non-profits who wrote the curriculum.

After a quick glimpse, we find a non-profit, FoSE, dedicated to social justice organizing and far-left radical Marxist warfare tactics.

The Future of Sex Education (FoSE) Initiative is a partnership between Advocates for Youth, Answer and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS) that seeks to create a national dialogue about the future of sex education and to promote the institutionalization of comprehensive sexuality education in public schools. To learn more, please visit “

“The first edition of the Standards was a breakthrough, outlining the foundational knowledge and skills students need to navigate sexual development and grow into sexually healthy adults. The updated NSES reflect advancements in research regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, social, racial, and reproductive justice, and the long-term consequences of stigma and discrimination,” the second manual states.

The second manual introduces us to “Sex Ed For Social Change.”

The concept that all citizens with alternative sexualities deserve equal protection under the law and are entitled by their creator to live in America using all of their civil liberties is true and good.  However, weaponizing sexual development with Marxist Organizing tactics in our children to push for Planned Parenthood profits is not ok.

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