
Monday, 7 June 2021

Arizona Patriots Working to Recall Speaker Rusty Bowers, Who Failed to Stop the 2020 Election Steal When He Had the Chance


Rusty Bowers must go.  Yes, he’s the Arizona Speaker of the House but his actions after the corrupt 2020 Election in Arizona are reprehensible.

Rusty Bowers was in a position of power, where he could have stopped the corrupt election in Arizona from progressing but instead, he showed his true colors and now he’s facing a recall. reported:

Rusty Bowers, the House Speaker for the State of Arizona, is not off the hook from his stunts after the 2020 Presidential election.  A group of Republicans wants him out of office. Bowers pulled several questionable stunts in the days after the election when concerns were evident over voting irregularities.

 “Bowers was blocking the Voter Integrity Bill, he has been blocking bills all session, and has been against President Trump.  We need to defend the country and the Arizona people. Bowers is blocking legislation on Voter ID. We need to get on offense to recall him and we have 21 days. We need Arizona to show up for these events,” she said, “we need people to sign the petition and help circulate them.”

“We are going door to door and we can do this.  We are very, very, very close,” Collins said.

There is an official site where you can find information on this recall –

After this last election, Arizonians and millions across the country have had enough of the corruption, lies, and ignorant actions from our politicians.  It appears that people like Rusty Bowers forgot who he represents.  The recall group lists the following actions that Bowers took which they find reprehensible to the point of him being recalled:

Dec. 6, 2020 – Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers refused to convene a special session to audit the election for suspected fraud, stating “even if such evidence existed!”

Feb. 11, 2021 – Recall petition filed against Arizona Representative Rusty Bowers.

Feb. 23, 2021 – Bowers voted to restrict recalls in Arizona! (HB 2308)

Mar. 31, 2021 – Bowers blocks legislation to require Voter ID for mail-in ballots! (SB 1713)

Mike Lindell and other good men and women are calling for Bowers’ recall.  Bowers simply does not represent the people of Arizona or America.