
Thursday, 3 June 2021

RIGHT AGAIN: Email Shows Dr. Fauci KNEW in March 2020 that 99% of Italian Covid Fatalities Had Other Illnesses — Ignored This During His Hundreds of Interviews #FauciEmails

 Apparently, the NIH/NIAID were aware that 99% of covid deaths in Italy had other illnesses.

Back in April 2020  reported that only 1% of Coronavirus victims had no other serious health conditions.
Via Information Is Beautiful.

In August Joe Hoft reported that the CDC admitted on their website that only 6% of the 153,504 coronavirus deaths at the time actually died exclusively from coronavirus. The other 94% had 2-3 serious illnesses or conditions and the overwhelming majority were of advanced age.

President Trump retweeted this factual TGP report that was later flagged by the tech giants.
The tech giants labeled it fake news.

But thanks to the Fauci email release on Tuesday we now know that Dr. Fauci had this information back in March 2020.
Fauci ignored this information.

And Fauci lied to the American public and destroyed the US economy, tens of thousands of businesses and millions of lives.

But Dr. Fauci never bothered communicating this information in his infinite media appearances.

Via a March 2020 Fauci email.

When will this megalomaniac face justice?