The first hearing of Nancy Pelosi’s highly dishonest Jan. 6 commission took place today on Capitol Hill.
The witnesses and anti-Trump lawmakers did not disappoint with their fake tears and outright lies.
On Tuesday night Newsmax host Greg Kelly took directed his attention and Lt. Mike Byrd who gunned down Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt in cold blood.
ALthough, Greg Kelly did not mention Byrd by name, he did offer a list of questions for the cold-blooded killer:
1.) Ashli Babbitt was unarmed. Did you know that? If you didn’t know that what made you think she was armed?
2.) Did you verbally order her to stop? Did you use any customary words such as “Freeze”, ‘halt”, “go back”, or “stop”?
3.) Police guidelines and law dictates that deadly force not be used unless there is an imminent risk of death to the officer or someone else. What deadly threat did you perceive? Please explain especially as she was unarmed and not within reach of a Capitol Hill police officer or a member of Congress.
4.) Do you have any awareness of the presence of the BLM activist John Sullivan who was recording your shooting of Ashli Babbitt?
5.) What were your personal political views of President Trump, Trump supporters? If negative as has been suggested could that have had any bearing on your decision to shoot?
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