Drinking lots of water is the best way to hydrate—especially as temperatures tick up. But water and water-containing drinks aren’t the only way to consume H20, and the other ways happen to have some health benefits of their own. Here are 20 water-filled foods to hydrate you this summer.
Anyone who has tried to gracefully eat an apple in public and ends up with juices running down their chin knows that apples have a lot of water in them. They also have a lot of fiber (3 grams), are a decent source of vitamin C (about 10% of your daily value), and contain only about 50 calories.
Bell peppers
Speaking of vitamin C, did you know a one-cup serving of bell peppers contains three times the amount of vitamin C as an orange? They also contain antioxidants and are more than 90% water!
Having broccoli as part of a cookout platter will give your guests some added hydration, as this cruciferous vegetable is nearly 90% water. Eating broccoli raw is also the best way to retain its nutrients, which include fiber, iron, and vitamins C and K.
It may not be watermelon, but cantaloupe, another member of the melon family, is still packed with water. When served chilled, cantaloupe is also one of the most satisfying snacks on a hot day.
Do you know how carrots look when they get all dried out and sad in the fridge? That’s because they’re mostly water—about 88% water, to be more precise. They’re also a diet-friendly snack, especially when thrown into a salad or dipped into a superfood like hummus.
If you think of celery as green sticks of water, you’re not wrong. Celery is actually 95% water, which means when compared to carrots, it’s actually an even healthier vehicle for delivering dips, dressings, and spreads to your taste buds. And it’s a good source of potassium and vitamin K!
Cottage cheese
Although cheese can absolutely be part of a healthy diet, the only variety that’s touted as a weight-loss food is cottage cheese. The secret? It’s 80% water! Add some strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, granola—or all four—and you’ve got yourself a cool breakfast for a hot summer morning.
If the idea of cucumber water seems weird to you, just remember that cucumbers consist of 96% water, so cucumbers basically already are cucumber water. It’s actually the wateriest item on this list. Enjoy!
Guess how much water is in a grapefruit. Ready for the answer? It’s one cup. A full cup! That’s a lot of hydration power, but it’s worth noting that one grapefruit also contains more than twice the amount of vitamin C you need every day and a hefty dose of antioxidants.
In addition to vitamin C and potassium, honeydew melons contain as much water as a cantaloupe, which makes sense because those two are always hanging out together in fruit salads.
You probably already know kale for its superfood powers, which include hefty doses of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. But did you know it also contains a high amount of water? In fact, it’s almost 90% water!
Kale has a lot of water, and so do most lettuce varieties, like iceberg and romaine. In fact, in regard to water content, iceberg is right up there at the top of the list with cucumber.
Oranges aren’t just good for juicing because they taste good; it’s also because they come pre-packaged with water. They also have fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C, of course.
Contrary to popular belief, not all peaches come from a can and were put there by a man in a factory downtown. That variety comes packed in syrup, but fresh peaches are nutritious for their servings of vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, potassium, and some hydrating water. Peaches are nearly 90% water!
Pineapples are great for three things: tropical drinks, pizza toppings (fight us), and hydration, clocking in at more than 85% water. They also have vitamins and helpful enzymes like bromelain (which helps with inflammation, digestion, sinusitis, and osteoarthritis), if you’re into that.
No wonder spinach is sold in such large quantities—it’s more than 90% water! The 10% that isn’t water is bursting with nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and carotenoids that make spinach a superfood.
Strawberries are super juicy thanks to their extremely high water content. They’re also a surprising source of vitamin C and antioxidants, so enjoy the literal fruits of the strawberry season while they last!
Anyone who has grown tomatoes knows that they require a lot of water. So it’s no surprise that they also contain a lot of water—about 95%, in fact. You don’t need to be a gardener to know this; you just need to have experienced biting into a juicy hunk of tomato!
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