
Friday, 23 December 2022

'Your arrest is necessary': Woman arrested for silent prayer, 'anti-social behavior' outside abortion clinic

 A woman was arrested for silently praying near an abortion clinic on four different occasions in Birmingham, England, according to the Daily Signal.

Isabel Vaughan Spruce is seen being confronted by police for standing in front of the establishment by herself. They caution her about her rights before asking why she is standing there.

"What are you here for today, why here of all places, and is you standing here part of a protest?" the officer asks.

"No," she replies.

"Are you praying?" the officer then inquires.

"I might be praying in my head," Spruce answers.

It is at that point the policeman asks Spruce to voluntarily come to the police station to ask her questions about other incidents as well, which she declines.

The cop then informs her that she is under arrest for failing to comply, along with being charged with "anti-social behavior."

According to the government website for the city of Birmingham, England, anti-social behavior "includes behaviour which has caused or is likely to cause you harassment, alarm or distress."

Examples of anti-social behavior include: noise nuisance, neighbor disputes, verbal abuse, threatening behavior, harassment and/or intimidation. An anti-social report may result in the city sending "a neighbourhood officer or a housing officer" to establish and enforce an "action plan."

"Your arrest is necessary," the officer continued, mentioning that the charges were "mainly to protect vulnerable people, namely services," as he gestured toward the clinic. A female officer then searches the accused woman but declines to handcuff her before transporting her to the police station.

The footage was posted by the Alliance Defending Freedom, which describes itself as "the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, the sanctity of life, parental rights, and God's design for marriage and family."

“No citizen should be criminalized for legitimate, peaceful activity, even prayer," said a representative of the group's U.K. chapter, Lois McLatchie.

“Politicians in Westminster and Holyrood should take note as they consider rolling out this censorial measure nationwide – if we truly value civil liberties and fundamental rights, it should [be] unfathomable for the law to permit a repeat of Isabel’s experience," the spokesperson expressed.

Spruce has allegedly been formally charged with breaking a "Public Space Protection Order."

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