Patrick Bet-David is an author and entrepreneur with a story of the American dream. He immigrated to America when he was 10 years old when his parents fled Iran as refugees during the Iranian revolution. After receiving U.S. citizenship, Bet-David joined the military where he served in the 101st Airborne. After leaving the military, he began a career in the financial services industry before launching his own venture, PHP Agency Inc., an insurance sales, marketing and distribution company.
On a recent podcast, Bet-David shared his reasoning for why parents should remove their children from the public school system.
Bet-David shares:
I recommend every parent consider taking their kids out of public schools and putting it (them) in private schools or home schooling if you can afford it.
English teachers…out of 100 teachers in America, 97 were Democrats, 3 were Republicans in public school.
Health teachers in America, out of 100, 99 Democrats, 1 Republican.
Math and Science teachers. Out of 100, based on contributions, 87 Democrat, 13 Republican.
That is a monopoly. It’s not a 50/50, okay.
Private schools are not 80% Republican, 70% Republican or 60% Republican.
They’re still 60% Democrat. Because most teachers are not making enough money where their policies would be policies to vote on maybe on one side.
60% of teachers in private schools are still Democrats, but it’s a little bit more of a balance situation.
Prior Verdant Labs past research showed political leanings based on contributions.

Verdan Labs reports, “This analysis is possible because the Federal Election Commission (FEC) provides data that reveals who made what contribution to which political campaign, when they contributed, how much they contributed, what they call their occupation, and other info. We aggregated that data and applied a simple formula for each occupation. A caveat with this methodology is that we assume Democrats and Republicans contribute at a similar rate to each other within each profession. In other words, we assume that a 75 / 25 split of contributions by Democratic teachers vs. Republican teachers translates to a 75 / 25 split of Democrat vs. Republican teachers in the general populace. If it’s actually the case that, say, Republican teachers are looser with their wallets and have a higher per capita contribution rate, our ratio for that profession will be a bit skewed. Thus, the ratios should be viewed as approximate.”
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