
Tuesday 13 June 2023

U.S. Navy Drag Queen ‘Digital Ambassador’ Accused Of Violating Military Code, Legal Group Demands Authorities Investigate Sailor

 A drag queen purportedly hired as a “digital ambassador” for the U.S. Navy to increase recruitment numbers was accused on Monday of violating several military rules, including promoting partisan politics and expressing open contempt for his command.

America First Legal sent a letter to top Navy officials demanding they launch an investigation into Yeoman Second Class Joshua Kelley, who also dresses as a drag queen named “Harpy Daniels.”

Attorney Jacob Meckler for the legal group argues Kelley, who joined the Navy in 2016, allegedly violated critical requirements on several occasions that contravene the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which makes clear anyone transgressing the federal law should be court-martialed.

“[H]e has repeatedly engaged in partisan activity, behaved in ways that discredit the military, publicly criticized his command, and misused his uniform for personal gain,” Meckler wrote in the letter. “Based on the Department’s past actions with respect to politically or culturally conservative service members, an investigation is appropriate here.”

According to the legal group, Kelley has tweeted several times about his support for Democrats, graphic photos, and descriptions of sexual acts. Many of Kelley’s Instagram and Twitter posts also appeared to include images or videos of the sailor in uniform, with others depicting him in drag.

In one post, Kelley shared an image of himself holding a mug with the caption, “Hold on I haven’t had my coffee or daily dose of glitter and d***.”

“These posts present a distorted view of the Navy to the public and bring discredit upon the armed forces,” the legal group’s letter reads.

Kelley also allegedly retweeted posts openly condemning the Navy, insulting his former commander-in-chief President Donald Trump, and criticizing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for banning sexual orientation and gender identity curriculum taught to fourth-grade classrooms or younger.

“All of 7th fleet is lazy,” Kelley tweeted, appearing to refer to the United States 7th fleet.

Kelley’s actions warrant disciplinary action, Meckler stated in the letter.

During the Obama administration, U.S. Marine Corps officials discharged Sergeant Gary Stein from service in 2012 after forming a Facebook group entitled “Armed Forces Tea Party,” which included critical statements of former President Barack Obama.

Two Michigan National Guard soldiers on Federal duty status were also recently disciplined after posting critical comments about “liberals and Democrats” as “crybabies and snowflakes” on TikTok in September 2020.

“The Navy cannot have one standard for political conservatives such as Sergeant Stein … and another more generous standard for YN2 Kelley and others who share his views,” Meckler wrote.

Meckler called on Defense Department officials to investigate Kelley’s conduct to uphold the Navy’s “high standard and personal conduct.”

“In order to preserve the Navy’s reputation, swift action must be taken to restore good order and discipline and to prevent further partisan activity that implies Navy endorsement of particular candidates and causes,” American First Legal Counsel Jacob Meckler said in a news release. “America First Legal will not stand by and allow Kelley to sacrifice the military’s reputation in pursuit of his own partisan agenda.”

The Department of Defense did not return requests for comment.

Upon America Legal First publishing the letters and evidence showing Kelley’s actions, the U.S. servicemember took down his Twitter and Instagram pages this morning within about two hours of the story breaking.

Kelley’s social media accounts have since been restored for followers only.

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