
Monday 17 July 2023

Tucker Carlson Fires Back At Chris Christie Over Ukraine Remarks

 Tucker Carlson slammed longshot Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie over the weekend after the former New Jersey governor took a shot at Carlson’s views about the war in Ukraine.

“Sounds like this could use a longer conversation,” Carlson wrote on Twitter Sunday afternoon. “We just asked @GovChristie to sit down and explain his views on Ukraine. He refused.”

“You hate to think that Chris Christie is a blustery coward who plays the tough guy with sycophants at ABC but won’t answer real questions, but who knows?” he continued. “We hope he reconsiders.”

Christie said during an interview on ABC News’s “This Week” on Sunday that he would have pushed back on Carlson last week at an event in Iowa—if Christie had decided to attend the event.


“I would have said, ‘You’ve always been wrong about this, Tucker, and you’re still wrong,’” Christie said. “That, in fact, what’s going on, George, is that this is a proxy war with China. The Chinese are funding the Russian war by buying Russian oil. They’re coordinating with the Iranians to provide lethal weapons to the Russian army.”

“And we can decide when to have this conflict,” he continued. “Right now the Ukrainians are willing to fight this fight for themselves if they have our support to be able to win it. If the Chinese watch us back away from Ukraine, as Tucker Carlson and others would advocate, believe me, the next move will be Taiwan.”

Christie added that he believes, based on polling and what he has seen when talking to voters, that “a majority of Republicans want us to be supporting Ukraine because those folks are fighting for their own freedom, their own liberty, and they’re degrading the Russian army and sending a message to the Chinese.”

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