
Friday 5 July 2024

Biden regime pressured Amazon to censor at least 43 books that discuss vaccine injuries and Big Pharma fraud

 The House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has uncovered a book banning operation at Amazon that involves coercive, unconstitutional directives from Joe Biden’s rogue government. According to the Congressional report, Amazon was ordered by the federal government to change its algorithms to reduce visibility for books that are critical of pharmaceutical executives or vaccines.

The federal government compiled a "Do Not Promote" list that targeted at least 43 book titles, effectively limiting their reach and availability to the public. Representative Jim Jordan, Chair of the Judiciary Committee, highlighted these findings on social media, citing internal Amazon communications that link the censorship to requests from the Biden regime.

The Democrats, not the Republicans, are banning books and censoring important information

On numerous occasions, Joe Biden and his propaganda machine claimed that Republicans are fascists who are trying to ban books and take away our rights. We are constantly reminded that “MAGA Republicans are a threat to democracy!”

However, in 2021 and 2022, the Biden regime conscripted the Department of Homeland Security to target moms and dads who speak up at school board meetings about pornography in school libraries and the bodily restrictions that were forced on kids in the name of “safety.” Parents who stood up for common sense, who tried to get forced masking, pornography and perverse gender ideologies out of the schools were deemed “domestic terrorists” by Biden’s DHS. 

Republican governors who stood by these parents, like Ron DeSantis, were maligned as “fascists dictators” who were trying to “ban books” and put children’s lives in danger. While parents were removing unlawful material from schools, and reversing unlawful mandates, the Biden regime was busy censoring important books from one of the largest book distributors in the U.S. – Amazon.

Government’s lies about vaccines and censorship of the truth continues to destroy lives

The real fascists and dictators are operating within the current federal government. These malevolent government employees and propagandists project their evil deeds onto the brave Americans who are doing everything they can to protect traditional values and the innocence of children. These malevolent forces within the federal government are pressuring social media companies and book distributors like Amazon to censor the truth on some of the most important topics of our time. By censoring the truth about important topics, the federal government was more easily able to force people to believe the lies of their narrative about their body and comply with unlawful vaccine mandates.

The government's lies about vaccines were able to proliferate online, damaging the public discourse and leading to actions that were unconstitutional, un-American and unethical. By banning the truth about vaccines and concealing important scientific discussion, the government was able to force their genetic experiment onto the population and keep the lie going that children need the recommended 77+ doses of vaccines of the CDC's childhood schedule.

  • Of course, vaccines are “safe and effective” if the government can ban all research and information to the contrary and the very books that investigate the adverse effects of these imperfect injections.
  • “Natural immunity does not exist” as long as the government bans the very books that document the science behind the innate immune system.
  • “Vaccines are independently studied using gold standard science” if the government can eradicate all the information about the financial conflicts of interest and corruption in the industry.
  • “The childhood vaccine schedule has been rigorously studied” if the government can destroy all the evidence to the contrary, conceal widespread vaccine damage and censor the causes of the chronic disease epidemic that has been inflicted on American children.
  • Vaccines “do not cause autism” as long as the government bans the very books that document the reality of vaccine damage on children’s brains and neurological development, while burying numerous case studies on this important health issue.

Of course, the government’s censorship of vaccine truths will only cause more people to grow suspicious, pick up a book and learn about the fraudulent history of vaccination. More people are going to learn that the current childhood vaccine schedule is needless and harmful to children, and that COVID-19 vaccines were part of a totalitarian depopulation agenda.

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