If there's any food fraught with a tug-of-war over its healthfulness, it's eggs. Over the years, eggs have been viewed as everything from an example of the perfect whole food to a dreaded harbinger of heart disease. And even though science now seems to confirm that eggs are healthy, there's still such a thing as eating too many eggs.
Eggs are minimally processed, low-calorie foods loaded with 6 grams of protein each, a surprisingly high amount of monounsaturated fat, brain-boosting choline, and lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants known for supporting eye health. They contain zero sugar and are naturally low in sodium. Some researcheven shows that people who eat eggs are more likely to consume a healthy diet with a variety of important nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Long story short, eggs aren't unhealthy—it's quite the opposite, actually! However, eating too many of them may pose some risks for some people, especially those with certain health conditions. Specifically, people at risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes may need to limit their consumption of eggs.
So what unseemly side effects might you experience from egg overload—and how many are too many? We're cracking open the details of what can happen when you overdo it on over-easies, scrambles, benedicts, and frittatas.
How Many Eggs Is 'Too Many'?

One serving of eggs is simply one egg or two egg whites. The American Heart Association suggests a limit of one egg serving per day. But you can hardly make a satisfying omelet out of just one egg!
If you enjoy a heartier serving of eggs here and there, it might be better to look at your overall weekly consumption of eggs rather than doling out one egg per day. According to the Mayo Clinic Health System, most healthy people can eat up to seven eggs per week without affecting their heart health.
A 2018 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition even found that consuming up to 12 eggs per week for three months didn't affect cardiovascular risk factors in people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. (However, it's worth noting that the people in the study were following a diet designed for weight loss.)
Various factors may affect how many eggs are too many for each individual. If you have heart disease or diabetes, talk to your doctor to determine your best personal limit.
Side Effects of Eating Too Many Eggs Every Day

Here are five possible side effects you're more likely to experience if you make a habit of eating too many eggs.
You might consume too much cholesterol.
There's still plenty of debate on the question of whether eggs raise cholesterol. For decades, experts believed that the cholesterol in egg yolks directly contributed to elevated cholesterol in the blood; however, it now appears that other elements in a person's diet and health history may be more impactful. Family history is a major predictor of blood cholesterol levels, and most of the cholesterol in our blood is made by the liver, not ingested through food.
Still, eggs do contain high amounts of cholesterol—about 190 milligrams, which is over 60% of the 300 milligrams previously recommended as a daily limit by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. (As of 2015, the Guidelines no longer recommend a specific limit, stating simply that cholesterol consumption should be "as low as possible.") Depending on the other foods your diet includes, you can quickly exceed daily cholesterol guidelines by eating multiple eggs per day.
You could increase your risk of heart disease.
Let's set the record straight: Most experts agree that one egg per day doesn't appear to increase the risk of heart disease. In fact, a large study on half a million Chinese adults revealed that up to one egg per day actually decreased the chances of developing cardiovascular disease.
On the other hand, a three- or four-egg extravaganza every morning could be a different story. A 2019 study associated eating over 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day with a 17% higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and an 18% higher risk of death. A large 2022 meta-analysis published in the journal Circulation concluded that greater daily egg consumption and total dietary cholesterol were associated with a greater risk of CVD and death.
More research may unscramble the years of seemingly conflicting evidence around eggs and heart disease, but for now, it's probably wise to eat eggs in moderation for heart health.
You might gain weight.
If your go-tos for serving with eggs include heavy foods like greasy sausage, hashbrowns, sugary pancakes, cream-enriched coffee, or even a mimosa or two, your breakfast might end up weighing you down—literally. You might notice your weight creeping up if eating a high-calorie egg breakfast becomes a daily habit.
For optimal health and weight, try more nutritious add-ins for your eggs, like fresh spinach, diced bell peppers, or sliced grape tomatoes. You'll add color and antioxidants for far fewer calories! You can also experiment with cooking your eggs in a heart-healthy fat like avocado or olive oil.
You could increase your risk of diabetes.
It's possible that eating high amounts of eggs could increase your risk of another chronic condition, too. In a 2009 study in the journal Diabetes Care, people who ate over seven eggs per week had a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who ate fewer eggs.
That said, other research has found that eating eggs could actually improve blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity in people with prediabetes and type 2, and the American Diabetes Association recommends eggs as a source of protein.
You might end up eating more unhealthy foods.
How do you like your eggs? We don't just mean whether you prefer poaching or scrambling. Cooking an egg doesn't change its nutrition factor—but what you cook it with certainly can. Many people fry their eggs in butter or serve them with high-fat, high-sodium processed meats like bacon or ham. In this way, eggs can be a vehicle for unwittingly consuming excess saturated fat, sodium, and calories. This (perhaps more than the eggs themselves) could lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Positive Side Effects of Eating Eggs in Moderation

Good Source of Protein
Eggs are a lean protein, with 6 grams of protein per egg, meaning they don't carry a lot of saturated fat. With just 1.6 grams of saturated fat per egg, getting your protein from eggs can help keep your saturated fat intake at bay compared to other protein sources like steak and beef.
Improved Cholesterol
Despite being a source of dietary cholesterol, eggs have been found to positively affect cholesterol levels. One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that having one egg per day was not associated with high cholesterol or coronary heart disease. Another study found that eggs could improve HDL cholesterol, the "good" kind of cholesterol, which is crucial for absorbing LDL cholesterol and removing it from the bloodstream.
Weight Loss Support
By swapping your carb-heavy breakfast for some eggs, you can support your body's ability to burn fat and lose weight. One 8-week study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that people who ate a breakfast of two eggs lost 65% more body weight and 16% more body fat, experienced a 61% greater reduction in BMI, and saw a 34% greater reduction in waist circumference compared to those who consumed a bagel breakfast of the same calories.
Good Source of Vitamin D
Eggs are a good source of vitamin D. You can increase your vitamin D intake by stepping out into the sun or by including vitamin D-rich foods, such as eggs, in your diet. Eggs contain 6% of your daily intake of vitamin D, a vitamin found in very few food products. Vitamin D plays a role in both immune health and calcium absorption, which can support bone health.
Inflammation Reduction
One study in Nutrition & Metabolism found that overweight men who consumed three eggs per day for 12 weeks had significantly lower levels of an inflammatory biomarker known as plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) compared to those who consumed a yolk-free egg substitute with lower phospholipid levels. Chronic inflammation is a major health problem, contributing to diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, and cancer. Reducing inflammatory markers through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes can significantly improve health.
Excellent Source of Selenium
Selenium is a mineral that your body needs in small amounts, and eggs are an easy way to meet this requirement. One egg provides about 15 micrograms of selenium, around 27% of your recommended daily value. Selenium's antioxidant properties can help protect against cancer, thyroid disease, and cardiovascular disease.

While eggs are a nutritious and versatile food, consuming them in moderation—up to seven eggs per week—is key to avoiding potential health risks.
Eating too many eggs can lead to increased cholesterol levels, heart disease, weight gain, diabetes, and unhealthy eating habits. It's important to be mindful of your egg intake and consider your overall diet and health conditions. For personalized advice, consult your healthcare provider.
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